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September 21, 2020 1 min read

We get asked all the time where the amazing photos on our social media come from, so we've decided it's time to introduce our incredible team of brand reps!  This is the first in a series of features of our team members. Follow along for more updates coming soon! Today we are introducing one of models, a sweet two-year-old named Brody.

cabooties baby shoes brand rep


I asked Brody's mom Ashley for a few facts about Brody and his repping journey so far.  Here's what she had to say:

"Brody just turned two and has been repping since he was born (his brother has been repping for over 4 years). I personally love shopping small and the wide range of clothing and accessories for so many different styles! I love the bonding time with my kids taking pictures and making memories! Brody loves all food, his two frenchies and boogie boarding in the ocean! We are instagram.com/jackattackrep"

We're always looking for new Cabooties enthusiasts to join our team. If you're interested learning more, just tap here for details!

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