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Making Cotton Face Masks

The CDC now recommends that everyone wear a mask every time we leave the house in order to help slow the spread of Covid-19.  Cabooties is working to provide supplies and instructions to community members who sew in order to distribute a large number of masks as quickly as possible. 
We are providing mask making kits for local pickup free of charge. We ask that you keep the masks for personal use or donate them to organizations in need. Please do not sell these masks, we are working on the honor system for the good of our community. Limit one kit per family at this time.
Please note, these masks are designed to protect the people you come in contact with by catching droplets from your cough, and prevent you from touching your face.  These are not medical grade masks and will not completely filter out the virus should you come into contact with it. Your mask should be laundered regularly for best results. 
When they are available, mask making kits can be picked up at Derry Presbyterian Church on Mansion Road in Hershey. They are located in a plastic tub outside the side door.  Please only take one kit at a time.
You may keep the masks you make with these kits for personal use, give them to your friends and neighbors, or donate them to organizations in need. 
You can donate masks locally at:
Derry Presbyterian Church - Hershey PA
The Hershey Fire Department
Grocery Outlet Bargain Market - Palmyra, PA
Get matched with more organizations atMakeMasks.org
    If you would like to donate supplies, or add your organization to our list, please contact Kelly@Cabooties.com
    Each kit contains 1 yard of fabric, 2-4 yards of elastic, instructions for making your masks, and a list of local organizations in who are accepting donations. 
    Instructions to sew a simple mask are available for download here and correspond with the video tutorial below.  We have chosen to use these instructions because they can be made quickly, and are simple enough for a beginning sewist to execute well.